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Virtual Painting en pleine air workshops 2020-2021 New dates TBC

New, exciting challenges each week where you can explore your creative side. You don’t have to be ‘an Artist’ to join in! Your chance to experiment with any art style you can think of…Impressionism, Futurism, Abstract art, Pop Art etc.

Join me on Chords&Canvases on Facebook for the weekly challenges.

A challenge for you if you feel like you are stuck in a rut with your own work or something completely new for beginners!

All abilities are welcome as I can take you through the materials, techniques and potential subject matter necessary to get you started as a painter.

*Update: due to Covid-19 pandemic, I will be running all classes online. Sign up via

#mtdart #liveartchallenge #becreative #virtual workshops #trysomethingnew #twentiethcenturyartstyles #creativity #challenge yourself #artymtdh

Live challenge on my Facebook Chords&Canvases page at 10am sharp. You’ll need your art materials ready to go! Meet-up in the Zoom room at 11.00-12.00 (GMT) for group critique, chat and advice. Tickets only £5. (If you need some inspiration, you can find recordings of my live videos on Chords & Canvases page)


Book a Workshop


We host workshops throughout the year on music and painting. See below to see what’s on in my Chords&Canvases page on Facebook.

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Book a Workshop